Liu Fu Is Happy

Observing her clear reluctance, Deputy Prefect Guan offered advice, "She's the wife of the Prefect, and you're the wife of the Deputy Prefect. You'll cross paths many times in the future. Don't let anger get the better of you; it only brings you down to her level."

Mrs. Guan sighed, "I won't stoop to her level! It's just that looking at such a person makes me unhappy. Old Master is right. I can't avoid her from now on. Otherwise, she'll think I'm afraid of her!"

Reluctantly, Mrs. Guan visited Qiao Xuan that day.

Qiao Xuan was in discussions with Songshi and Mianmian about farming, and Liu Fu, who was also keenly interested, had tagged along with Qiaoqiao, Qing Lian, and Xiao Er from the day before. Qiao Xuan asked them to stay for a few days.

Liu Fu's ears perked up at the mention of staying. His face revealed envy, catching Qiao Xuan's attention. Amused, she asked if he wanted to assist Songshi with errands, as Songshi couldn't manage everything alone.