None Came

However, Qiao Xuan had been preoccupied with her exploration plans, causing her to overlook the absence of visitors for the past few days. Lixia and Liqiu chuckled at her realization.

"Madam, you've just noticed this now!"

"Those people aren't worth worrying about, Madam. Don't let it bother you!"


Qiao Xuan joined in the laughter, acknowledging her lack of popularity among certain circles.

"It appears I'm not winning any popularity contests. Their families are quite organized. Ask Sun Bai to find out what's going on."

"I don't mind if they come or not, but I'd like to know the reason behind their organized actions!"

Lixia agreed and promptly conveyed the message to Sun Bai.

While Qiao Xuan had momentarily forgotten about the issue, Shao Yunduan had not. He had instructed Sun Bai to investigate the matter two days earlier. However, he chose not to mention it to Qiao Xuan, hoping she would forget about it.