Apologize and Treatment

Now was the time for strict vigilance, raising their guard to the utmost level. They couldn't afford to let their defenses waver in the slightest.

Shao Yunduan was adamant about safeguarding his wife. Having tasted the anguish of almost losing her once, he refused to endure it again.

"I don't trust the Fan Family's intentions. Let's not be swayed. Bright Moon Villa can wait. We'll go wherever you wish after we've dealt with the bandits," he declared, a smile on his lips.

Inwardly, Qiao Xuan sighed.

She yearned to accept the invitation!

Even her husband's caution couldn't deter this opportunity that had presented itself…

On the day of the Giant Rock Gorge incident, she had fervently wished to go. Disguised, who would recognize her as the Prefect's wife? With her presence, victory would have been assured, and none of the enemy would have escaped.

No one would slip through her grasp!

But she couldn't risk it.