
Fan Ruyin couldn't help but regard Mrs. Guan with a newfound kindness, her smile deepening. She no longer felt alone in her struggle; she finally had an ally to share her burdens with.

However, the next day, when Fan Ruyin met Mrs. Guan in the city courtyard as arranged, she was shocked to find the second-in-command of the Min Family Tribe and the head of the Tiger Head Tribe accompanying her. As she listened to their arrogant demands and learned of their identities, she was left dumbfounded.

Initially, Mrs. Guan was furious and adamantly refused their requests. She argued that since she had paid them, they should be the ones to carry out the tasks. The idea of her husband becoming a spy was unthinkable and taboo. The repercussions of such an act being discovered would not only ruin his career but could also result in his family being expelled.