The Father of My Children

Xu Qing said casually, "His name is Xu Sizhi. He helped our family. Since he was alonem I pitied him and took him in as my younger brother."

Chen Qiulian and the others widened their eyes. Xu Qing's family was struggling to survive, but she actually acknowledged a younger brother?

"I see. Then who is the man behind you?" Most of the people in the village knew each other. This man looked silly, but he was really good-looking. In the entire village, they had never seen such a handsome man.

Xu Qing smiled and pulled Qiao Yanhui in front of her. "This is my child's father, Little Hui. We were supposed to get married last year, but something happened to Little Hui's family, so we plan to hold the wedding after we build the house."

This news shocked everyone. So Xu Qing's three children weren't bastards?

"Bullshit, why didn't I know about this?!" Chen Qiulian glared and roared.