Promoting Herbal Tonic (1)

These words made Wei Bo'an and Lu Baisha's expressions change. This person knew what was going on even before examining her?

"Doctor Bei Shu, can this illness be cured?" Wei Bo'an looked at Xu Qing excitedly.

Xu Qing didn't jump to conclusions. "I still need to feel her pulse to confirm."

"Baisha, take one more examination!" Weiboan looked at his wife anxiously.

Lu Baisha sighed slightly and said, "Let her come over." She really felt that there was no hope, but how could she bear to crush her husband's hope?

Seeing that the madam had agreed, Xu Qing walked over to take her pulse. As expected, it was as she had thought. "Madam is indeed diabetic."

Wei Bo'an nodded. The other doctors had said si, but none of them could cure her. He said anxiously, "Do you have a way?"

Xu Qing replied, "If Madam is willing to cooperate with the treatment, there will be a way."