The Wedding Is Finally Coming

Chen Qiulian's words stunned Hua Yuncheng and Deng Jiangming.

Deng Jiangming swore that he had never been in such a sorry state in his life. He was actually being pressured into marriage by an unfamiliar old lady!

Hua Yuncheng wanted to stomp his feet! When he was in the capital, those who pressured him like this were all beauties. When had there ever been an old lady?! Also, what on earth was she saying?!

Xu Yunqiao immediately went forward and said shyly, "My name is Xu Yunqiao. May I know your names?"

Xu Dan also followed suit. "My name is Xu Dan. How should I address you two?"

Xu Qing thought that since Chen Qiulian appeared with Xu Yunqiao and Xu Dan, the Xu family must have discussed it beforehand. One of the spots would definitely belong to Xu Yunqiao, so there was no doubt about it. As for the other spot, it was probably chosen after all sorts of fights.