Make Up For It

Xu Qing could clearly see the jealousy in Qiao Yanhui's eyes and even hear it in his tone. Qiao Yanhui seemed overcome with jealousy. Xu Qing smiled as she said, "Zhuo Wuyou saved me. He's the assassin who threatened me two years ago. At that time, I saved him, so he saved me later. We don't owe each other anything anymore," Xu Qing explained seriously.

"Zhuo Wuyou…" Qiao Yanhui had long guessed that the owner of the Huai River Base was Zhuo Wuyou, but he didn't expect it to really be him!

The Huai River Base was a mysterious assassin organization. The Huai River Base was willing to accept any job! Their methods were extremely cold-blooded and cruel! It was like killing people for the sake of killing people. It was different from other assassin organizations, which only wanted to earn a living or ask for information.