The Number One Concealed Weapon Master

Ao Jie's expression was very complicated. He actually felt even more complicated about his selfish father. As he looked at the aloof Qiao Yanhui, he couldn't help but ask, "Do we really have to do this?" That man was their biological father after all. If he really couldn't tolerate him, they could give him a quick death. There was no need to torture him like this, right?

Ao Jie knew very well that Qiao Yanhui was deliberately torturing Ao Heng now, and what pained Ao Heng the most was losing all his power. Ao Heng only cared about power. No one was as important as power.

When Qiao Yanhui heard this, he only glanced at Ao Jie coldly.

Although he didn't say anything, Ao Jie still felt a chill run down his spine.