The First Wave of Framing

Ao Li'er felt that it was a pity when she thought of Qiao Jiqing. She could only blame her brother. Ao Heng really didn't know how to cherish her and only cared about imperial power. How could the high-minded and refined Qiao Jiqing betray him? What was worse was that the two children were also implicated!

Ao Li'er was thinking about the past, so she naturally didn't notice that Qiao Yanqi's expression had changed.

Qiao Yanqi didn't want to get married at all and hurriedly tried to change the topic. Back then, in order not to get married, she had even used her connections and was almost discovered by Brother Hui. If all her efforts went down the drain now, what would happen to her?! She had been waiting for Brother Hui for so long! It was impossible for her to marry someone else!