Not Even Letting The Children Go

Xu Qing looked at Yi Chulin and shook her head in fear. She wanted Yuan'er to leave quickly, but her injuries made her unable to make a sound.

Yi Chulin had a cruel smile on his face and was filled with anger!

Yi Chulin grabbed Yuan'er up by his collar. Yuan'er's small figure swayed in the air as he kicked his legs.

Xun Fen and Teng Nian were also sent flying by Yi Chulin.

Their martial strength was on a completely different level from Yi Chulin's.

Xue'er and Ting'er, who followed behind, immediately cried. Their originally flushed faces turned pale. "Brother, Mom…"

When Yi Chulin heard this call, he turned to look at Xu Qing again. His voice was as sinister as that of a demon from hell. "Impressive. You even have children."

"No…" Xu Qing shook her head in fear and looked at Yi Chulin pleadingly while begging him not to hurt the children…

"No?" Yi Chulin's eyes looked terrifying, and his tone was very cold!