Love Is Too Terrifying

At this moment, Deng Chengxi had been standing by her bed and staring at Xu Qing with a complicated gaze.

"What's wrong?" Xu Qing's eyes were filled with worry. Something was wrong with Deng Chengxi. Could it be that she had already seen Yi Chulin?

Deng Chengxi stared at Xu Qing in a daze and finally said with mixed feelings, "You're Mr. Bei Shu… are you also Ying Zhiyao?"

Xu Qing's expression stiffened. It wasn't because Deng Chengxi guessed that she was Mr. Bei Shu, but because Deng Chengxi also thought that she was Ying Zhiyao! Xu Qing nodded one moment and shook her head the next. Deng Chengxi's heart skipped a beat a few times. "Sigh, I'm Mr. Bei Shu, but I'm not Ying Zhiyao!"