Arriving at the New Heavenly Kingdom

Liu Gexu's words made Xu Qing and Qiao Yanhui's hearts tighten. After so long, Liu Gexu finally said something useful.

Qiao Yanhui grabbed Liu Gexu and got out of the car. Then, he asked coldly, "What do you mean?" What about Xu Qing…

Liu Gexu was already injured. Now that he was grabbed by Qiao Yanhui, he could barely stand still and looked extremely woeful. At this moment, he also looked angry. Why was Qiao Yanhui still so arrogant when he had something to ask of him?

Xu Qing followed and looked at Liu Gexu with a dark expression. So Ying Zhiyao's departure was destiny?

Liu Gexu ignored their expressions and tidied his clothes. He was at least ten years older than Qiao Yanhui. Didn't Qiao Yanhui know how to respect his seniors?

"Liu Gexu, make yourself clear." Xu Qing looked at Liu Gexu coldly.