Brother Is Not Dead

"What War God? I order you guys to kill him immediately!" Yi Lu'er covered her bloody face as she roared fiercely. If her face was ruined, none of these people would get off scot-free.

In the end, no one dared to move. With the War God's reputation, even if their Regent had personally ordered them…

"Send the princess back to the palace!" Ji Jing shouted in a low voice and looked anxiously at Qiao Yanhui, who had already walked away.

"Ji Jing, if you dare to disobey my orders, I will definitely…" Before she could finish speaking, Ji Jing tied her up with the whip and shouted, "Hurry up. If you guys delay the treatment, can you bear the responsibility?"

The other guards hurriedly carried Yi Lu'er and ran towards the palace. It was probably unprecedented for a princess of a country to fall into this state.