Xu Yue's Revelation

Just as Xu Jiangzhong was feeling frustrated, the group of people from the Xu family returned while cursing.

Zhao Bing and Mo Qiu grabbed their husbands' ears and scolded in a sharp voice, "How impressive! You actually dared to cheat. I worked hard to give birth to your children and I was busy at home all the time, but you actually spent the family's money on that little slut!" To these two women, the few hundred yuan their husbands spent on mistresses was a big deal.

However, those women actually mocked, "You came out to play even though you don't have money? Why don't you take a look at yourself in the mirror!"

"Bitch, let go of me, or I'll dump you! Shrew…" Xu Jiangdong and Xu Jiangnan threatened.

"You actually plan to abandon me?!" The two women were enraged!