Not Biological

"Bitch, how dare you! How dare you splash hot water on us!" Zhao Bing cried out in pain. Her already bruised face had turned red. However, she hadn't forgotten Xun Fen. She knew that Xun Fen worked for Xu Qing and knew martial arts, but so what? Their identities were different now.

"Who are you?" Teng Nian asked in confusion.

When the onlookers outside heard that this group of people wasn't from the Qiao family at all and that they were here to cause trouble, they were worried that Qiao Yanhui would be angry, so some timid people ran away.

"How dare you pretend not to know us? Let that wretched girl Xu Qing come out! We're her aunt and her grandparents! Don't think that just because she's the General's wife, she can despise poor relatives like us. If she dares to be disrespectful to us, we'll publicize that the wife of the General is a disobedient and unfilial brat who actually dared to splash hot water on us and rebel against us!" Zhao Bing and Mo Qiu shouted.