Preparing to Abdicate

"Brother, I'm so cold and hungry. Can you save me?" Ao Jie's sudden plea stunned Qiao Yanhui and Xu Qing.

Why did this personality know what happened to the other personality? If Xu Qing remembered correctly, it was impossible for one personality to know what the other personality did! They were not connected! They were like two independent people! Could it be that who she had been hypnotizing wasn't Ao Jie, whom they usually saw, but the current Ao Jie? Various thoughts raced through Xu Qing's mind.

"Little Hui is clearly your younger brother, but why do you keep calling him your older brother?" Xu Qing asked.

A gloomy look flashed in Ao Jie's eyes. Not wanting to hear her speak, he covered his ears and shouted, "You're not qualified to talk to me!"

These words angered Qiao Yanhui and he attacked Ao Jie. "She's my woman!" How could he let others look down on his woman?