Sunset Bow

"I accidentally discovered it when I was young. I've studied this piece of land and discovered that there's a layer of luminous powder on the ground. I don't know if it's naturally formed or if someone sprinkled it, but in any case, this piece of land is ours now. I've also set up a few array formations outside. If outsiders want to barge in, they'll be reduced to ashes." Qiao Yanhui said with a domineering expression.

Xu Qing liked this place very much and envisioned living here when she was old. However, she liked living with Qiao Yanhui even more. As she sat in a sea of flowers that glowed with the night light, she leaned into Qiao Yanhui's arms and said softly, "Little Hui, when we're old, let's come here and live in seclusion. You go fishing and hunting while I wash clothes and cook. We can watch the sunrise and sunset every day and admire the beautiful scenery in the valley."