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Qiao Yanhui grabbed Ao Jie's hands with a rare gentle look in his eyes. "Second Brother, don't be afraid."

Qiao Yanhui's words gradually calmed Ao Jie down. In the end, Ao Jie looked at Qiao Yanhui helplessly as he asked, "You… you're my brother?" Ao Jie was very cautious. He hoped this news was true, but he was also afraid that this news was true.

"No matter what happened in the past, you just have to know that I'm here, so don't be afraid!" This was definitely the only time Qiao Yanhui had shown gentleness towards anyone other than his wife and children.

Ao Jie felt inexplicably relieved and couldn't help but lean into Qiao Yanhui's arms. This had always been his dream. He was actually Qiao Yanhui's biological brother.

Seeing Ao Jie wheedle like a woman, Xu Qing and Qiao Yanhui's expressions darkened at the same time.