Broken Arm

After Leng Ning'er arrived at the Qiao family's door with the address, she hesitated for a long time. She panicked because she didn't know what to do Unexpectedly, she saw Xu Sizhi walking out in a hurry! Their eyes met, but Xu Sizhi turned around, as if he didn't see her.

Leng Ning'er gripped the letter tightly. "Xu Sizhi, stop right there!"

Xu Sizhi didn't stop walking. He didn't have the time to waste on her now. Because of Deng Jiangming's death, the Deng family was in chaos. They wanted to punish the secret families and even developed a grudge with Xu Qing. He was so busy that he didn't even have the time to explain anything to Xu Xiang. How could he have the time to meet someone unrelated?

"Don't you want to know what happened to Xu Xiang? If you're too late, she will probably die an ugly death…" Leng Ning'er suddenly roared.