Chapter 5 Sign in Again, Advanced Construction Manual

Shen Ping had cut off many branches, and he was now collecting leaves.

He had already taken the body strengthening liquid earlier. He could feel that his body was perceptibly much better than before.

Even though he had walked so long and cut many trees today, he didn't feel tired except for a little gasp.

It was unbelievable. The body-strengthening liquid offered by the system worked awesomely.

"This is only the preliminary version. Imagine how great the premium version is!"

Shen Ping cut the tree with ardour motivation. He suddenly remembered that he hadn't signed in today.

Today was the seventh day. He could get one lucky draw. He wondered if he could get something useful.

"System, sign in!" Shen Ping called the system in his heart.

"Sign in successfully! Congratulations! You have won a lucky draw. Please take a draw!"

Three red envelopes appeared in front of Shen Ping, each giving off colorful light.

Behind the red envelope, fireworks rose one after another, making a "bang" sound.

Looking at the fancy scene, Shen Ping couldn't help but twitch the corners of his mouth. He casually pointed at the red envelope in the middle, and a bigger firework immediately rose.

"Congratulations. You've got a manual on the construction of a shield!"

Accompanied by the festival background music, the voice of the system came again.

Shen Ping kept silent for a while and took the manual.

After collecting the information, lots of building instructions emerge in his mind.

This manual was very detailed, including the simplest tent to the complicated villa.

There were also some simple methods to build a shelter in the manual about wildness that Shen Ping got before, but it was not that detailed.

Now the most important thing was still to build a shelter. Quickly Shen Ping collected the materials needed to build the shelter and then started building.

It's just the first day here. It's better to keep everything simple.

According to the construction manual, Shen Ping successfully built an A typed shelter.

This A-type shelter had two slopes, which were waterproof and thermal.

It was solid and practical, yet it was not difficult to build.

To isolate himself from the wet and cold ground, he made himself a baseboard.

He had installed the camera nearby as he found this place. Now the audience was quite aware of his every move.

At this moment, the number of audiences on Shen Ping's channel saw a sharp surge. He was generating the most heat and had been on top of the program.

"The ability guy of the tenth group!"

"I can't believe it! How could he build a shelter in such a short time!"

"The shield looks good, solid and bright!"

"In the tenth group, only three people have built a shelter. Compared with the other two, Shen Ping's is the most decent one."

"That's awesome! This man cut trees effortlessly and has dexterous practice ability. I guess he will be the No. 1 in his group!"

With the popularity of Shen's channel heating, the crew of the program focused their cameras on him.

"Incredible! He has built such a shelter in just a few hours!" Elena said in surprise.

"Definitely! He must have made a lot of preparations before he comes." Max nodded.

"It's wonderful of him to make it in a short time."

"Although it looks simply, he has selected carefully in building materials. Plus he has delicate craftsmanship. What he has built is solid A-type shelter, quite successfully." Said Pola, frowning.

Pola was somehow unwilling to admit Shen's talent, but the facts told everything.

Before that, Pola thought that Shen Ping couldn't hold on for long, but now his performance was completely out of his expectation.

Pola indeed expected Shen could quit as soon as possible because he didn't want to be the one who made a misjudgment.

"He did a good job. Among so many participants, he can be ranked in the top ten." James nodded approvingly.

Due to the praise of the official live room, more and more people swarmed into Shen Ping's channel.

After making a shelter, Shen planned to wash his hands by the river and collect some materials.

He also took the camera with him.

When he arrived at the river, Shen Ping started collecting materials nearby and found a few footprints.

These footprints were relatively small, and they should be rabbit, pheasant, or something like that. Shen Ping looked around and found some rabbit excrement.

"There seem to be a lot of pheasants and hares here." Shen touched his chin and looked around. He was intrigued.

"Well, I can make some traps." So he made some ropes with vines nearby.

"I'll come back tomorrow and see if I can get something." Said Shen Ping.

The dusk was drawing near and he'd collected all the things needed. Shen was about to head to his shield.

Shen was standing on comparatively high land. He could see clearly the setting sun on the sea at this moment.

The golden-red sun, sinking, and sinking. The evening glow, charmingly brilliant, reflected on the glimmering sea. How heaven-like the picture was!

"I haven't seen such a beautiful sunset for a long time." Shen Ping sighed.

The audiences in the live chatroom were also appreciating the beautiful sunset with Shen Ping. It was quite a pure beauty in nature that seemed to ease people's fever.

Shen lingered there silently for a while before he went back to the shield.

As he was back, he kept on working on weapons. There's a lot he would need to prepare for the rainy days.

Volatile as kids, the weather on the island was so inconstant.

A breaking strong wind had blown away the charming scenery of dusk.

Hearing the loud noise outside, Shen Ping felt lucky that he had built a shelter.

He started a good rest in his shelter. However, many people in his group had gone crazy.

"Damn the stupid weather? One second before it was just fine! And now it's going to rain!"

"Shit! Damn it!"

"There is no place to hide in this damn place!"

"This is simply forcing me to quit the competition! How could they expect us to live here with nothing!"

"What bad luck! Terrible weather on the damn first day!"

Countless of them were cursing and many had no choice but to quit.

It's not easy for average people, after all, to endure torrential rain in the wilderness.

One may tackle wild animals most of the time. However, without medicine, no one would be sure he or she could survive all the accidents.