Chapter 9: Top or Bottom?

Kavi grins, a scar stretching from the bottom of his left eye to his chin. He brushes his long hair back with his hand, and he might have been a nice and handsome guy once. Suddenly, he grips his own throat, gasping for air, then bursts out laughing.

"Aw, you should've seen your faces! Though some of you were laughing. I don't know why. Choking isn't funny. Anyway!" He claps. "You don't have to wear your gas masks in here. We got it under control. Oh! And before I forget…Spike is in charge of taking care of the hostages, I mean, workers down there. Obey them as if his words were mine. Off you go now."

"Follow," Spike says and heads towards the door, taking his gas mask off in the process. He rubs his head under his mid-length hair, then gives his big beard a scratch.

I begin to follow him, as the bondage is beginning to feel very uncomfortable on them. From the corner of my eye, I spot Kavi standing with his arms crossed, looking towards me and shaking his head slowly.

I follow Spike until I arrive at a small lattice basement door.

"You and…one of you. Down. Pick your best friend or whatever, just make it quick." He points from me to Bradley and Abbie. They look at each other, then at you. It's obvious you have to choose, and you know you're going to pick your best friend.

"Both of them." I say firmly

Spike frowns and grips his revolver tighter. "Don't push your luck, kid."

With no choice I choose Bradley, "Bradley, come with me."

I see Abbie give you a disappointed look, then walk behind Kavi as she keeps looking at the ground.

He opens the door, and Bradley begins to climb down the ladder, then I do the same.

"What about us?" I hear Abbie asking, in a soft and quiet tone.

"You'll go down the other split. We already have some guys in there. Only have enough space for two more. Now move it to the next basement door you see, and shut up," he says and shuts the basement door, attaching two huge padlocks on both sides.

I'm halfway down when I lose my grip and fall on my back.

"Damn, that looks like it hurt. Are you okay?" A tall man with short grey hair and goatee pulls me up. He's wearing a half-unbuttoned military camouflage shirt. "I'm Damion. What's your name, son?" He smiles as he unties the rope so quick, I didn't even notice it. I give my wrists a small rub as the rope hangs from his hand. It feels good to have them free again.

"I'm Shoto…and thanks," I say, while rubbing my wrists.

"No problem at all." He smiles. "But let's not get rid of the rope. You don't want to find out what they do to us if we throw them out."

I turn my gaze towards Bradley and see a guy with mid-length hair and a five o'clock shadow messing with the bondage. He's wearing what looks like a university jacket and seems much younger than Damion.

"That was a fancy introduction there, Damio!. Needless though," he says as he drops the rope under the ladder, freeing Bradley's hands. He laughs. "Anyway, I'm Rhino. Nice to meet you guys. Feel free to put your bags down and whatever. Get yourself comfortable…I guess."

'What's with these weird names, first Spike and now this Rhino guy. Are these code names? meaning that they are not using their real names?'

I take a look around the rather small basement. There are two bunk beds on the left. I also spot tiny barred windows on the wall in front of me, very close to the ceiling, letting just a little light in. Under the window is a small mattress and a very old-looking couch. There are unlit candles next to it.

To my right, I see a small, dirty wooden door with a sink next to it. That must be the bathroom. There are also other scraps lying around, but I don't pay much attention to them.

Walking towards the bunk bed that's further from the wall, and Bradley stands next to me. "Top or bottom bunk?"

"Bottom" I say

"All right. Afraid of heights?" Bradley laughs as he sits down on the bottom bunk and takes off his gas mask. "Oh my god, this feels so good to have off!"

I chuckle as I climb up the small ladder and put my backpack down, then take my gas mask off and stuff it into the backpack.