Doubts and Anxious Thoughts

Eric glared at Valerie and in return, Valerie removed her slipper from her feet and aimed to throw it on Eric but Irene stopped her from doing so. Here they go again, bickering against each other like dogs and cats.

"The professor's name is Gillian, okay? Are you done?" Eric made a face to annoy Valerie more. But instead of getting annoyed, Valerie freezes and turns her head and looked at Irene with a shook look on her face.

Irene composes herself while giving a space of doubt in her heart. For the past few weeks, Irene has not heard any updates about her sisters' whereabouts even though she asked around about them.

Valerie even offered to help by asking one of his acquaintances who happens to be good at locating people but to no avail, they got no information.