Chapter 5- The Growing Mark and One Male Lead

Tears start to flow from my face as I open both of my eyes and my chest hurts like it have been stabbed countless of time. The sunlight reach my head as cold wind whirl to my window and the birds chirp outside.

[ I have a feeling that something is not right]

The more I thought about my dream the more the pain grow in my chest then I looked at my hand to see it's shaking to much that I can't control it anymore.

[ What the hell is wrong with me?]

I got up to wash my face. When I got in my bathroom I try to checked the mark in my chest.

[ Why do I feel like it just kept on growing?]

I shrug it off then I continue to wash my face then I headed myself to my room. Later I heard a loud knock in my door.

"Young Master I'm here to deliver your breakfast" Selena said.

"Uuh- Come in!" I said as I try myself to stay calm as possible.

Selena come inside my room holding a tray of food. "Good morning Young Master" she said as she lower her head and continue to put all of the food in my table one by one.

"Young Master the Duke wants to talk to you in his office after you are done eating" she said

"Oh" I replied

"Then I will take my leave now Young Master"

After Selena Left I hurried to get my notebook and opened it. As I try to remember everything in my dream and all of it didn't match the story line of the game. I think about it more and more then I remember I need to go see my Father in his office.

I quickly hid my notebook and call the my butler to change my clothes then I headed to my Father's office.

-Knock Knock-

"Who is it?" Father said as I opened the door then he looked at the me in the door steps.

"Good morning Father, sorry for interupting you again but Selena said that you wanted to talk to me"

"Yes, sit down for moment" he said

I knoded and sit on the sofa as Father continued.

"Do you heard about the upcoming war in the Azula Kingdom?" He asked me with a serious tone

"Yeah I heard it from one of the maid" I said "Why would you ask Father?" I continued

"I'll be leaving tomorrow and I'll be returning in three years and I want you to take care of this Kingdom and our family affairs while I'm gone" he said

[ I see...The war have already started and it is said that Duke Callisto will meet Angeline in the Azula Kingdom. I need to be ready for our meeting but I need to also prepare for the changes of my actions in the game]

"I see Father then I no reasons to refuse your request Father" I said with a smile.

"Very well then I'll be trusting you our Kingdom affairs to you for now on" He said

The next day I watch as Father left our Kingdom with full of knights behind him. After he left I returned to the mansion and started to manage our Kingdom affairs.

[ So even here there are lot of problems in our Kingdom resources. Their seems to be problem here in this report, here it is said that they have atleast over two hundred thousands(200,000) of gold coins that have been collected by Baron Florentia as a tax payment of the people living here in this Kindom for one month and that he said that everyone is paying only once a month but I heard that this information is false all the people in this Kingdom is not paying once a month but once a week of 2,000 of copper so base of my calculation that there is seems to be a problem here because if we compute this

▪︎100 copper = 1 gold coins

▪︎1 month = 30 months

The population here is about thirty thousands so

▪︎30,000 × 2,000 × 300 ÷ 100 = 18,000,000

And only 200,000 gold coins only have been handed so Baron Florentia or someone here is corrupting all of the resources and the coins in this Kingdom behind my Father's back]

As I was busy managing the corruption of the taxes here in our Kingdom, Selena knock on my door. I let her in as she entered the office.

"What is it? I asked

"Sorry for interupting your work Young Master but a letter from Sir Nicolas have arrive" Selena said as she handed me the letter.

"Nicolas?" I said with a surprise and took the letter from Selena.

"Then I shall take my leave Young Master"

"Mhmm" I knoded my head.

Selena left my room as I opened the letter.

['Dear Raphael']

['How have you been? We haven't seen each other for the past few months and I heard that you're going to start your sparring lesson in a few weeks so I been really looking forward on sparring with you. Did you go to the fireworks festival yesterday, I heard that it's so beautiful but I can't go because of my body. Oh- I almost forgot! Next week is my birthday and you are invited if you don't want to go It's fine I know that you been busy with your lesson this year so I understand that. Sorry for taking your time with this long letter so I'll it here.']

['Ps. I'll looking forward on seeing you again!']

----??? POV: ------

"Did you do what I told you?" said by the young boy with a brown eyes and red hair.

"Yes my Lord" The man said with full of terror in his eyes.

"Good then you can leave now" he said with a smile.

The boy turned around to look in the window as the man leave with full of relief.

"I'll looking forward Raphael" The boy said as he smile widely.