It was a dark and cold night. A luxurious car moved at a steady speed on the road, driving up and down a moderately high sloppy hill.

After a long drive, the car finally stopped in front of a massive mansion with light radiating from all corners.

A water fountain and well-maintained green grass decorations beautified the small garden just before the main entrance.

The driver came out of the car, then made his way to the back of the car and opened the door for someone who anyone could guess was his boss.

A pair of long legs wrapped in black trousers was the first thing that came into view before the man's full length came towering above the top of the car.

His black neatly ironed suit even after the day's work, was without a wrinkle as he pulled a black suitcase in his left hand.

His midnight black hair and charming blue eyes as the ocean could pull at one's heartstrings.

He proceeded towards the house, stopping right at the front door. He pulled out a key, used it to open the door, and then made his way into his home.

He was no other than Mike Alexander, a man well-known as one of the richest CEO of Graceland.

He was the CEO of the most famous Designing and Decoration Company in all of Graceland.

He was a man known to the world as both smart and cunning when it came to business.

Then again, no one could ever forget that despite being the CEO of such an extraordinary company, he was also a husband and a father to his 8 years old child.

Thus, they all nicknamed him 'Daddy CEO' of Graceland.

Entering the house, he walked towards the living room and dropped his suitcase on the couch.

His expression changed a little as he noticed that his little Angel, who he was expecting to run into his arms, was nowhere to be found.

That wasn't the only strange thing. There was no one else in the big house. Everywhere was quiet, and he didn't seem happy about it.

Trying to find his daughter, Mike walked towards his daughter's room.

He knocked on her door but didn't get a response, so he just decided to enter. He entered the room, and his entire face froze when he laid his eyes on his daughter.

Annabel's room was painted pink and white. A cute princess bed was at the side and a pink coloured dressing table at the other side, and a white door leading to the bathroom.

Lying on a pink bunny-shaped carpet was a young girl around 8. She had the most beautiful long brown-black hair that stopped at her back length.

Her eyes were closed, and she wore a dark red dress which made her look like a sleeping beauty. Seeing her unconscious state, Mike quickly ran towards her.

He tried to wake her, "Bel...bel...come on, wake up." He tapped her face lightly, but she wasn't responding. "Is anyone out there? Come this minute," he screamed at the top of his voice.

Five seconds later, a woman in her early forty's entered the room. She wore a simple brown dress and had a yellow scarf wrapped around her neck.

She quickly went towards Mike before hearing him shout, "Kate, call the doctor now!"

Upon hearing that, Kate quickly took her phone and dialled the number of the doctor.

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Thirty minutes later, Mike had changed into a green shirt and a pair of black trousers. He was outside Annabel's room, and on the other side was Kate. They both had worry and stress written all over their faces.

A few seconds later, the door opened, and a man with grey hair wearing a white doctor's coat over his clothes came out.

Walking towards Mike, he said, "Mr. Alexander." Hearing his name, Mike said anxiously, "Yes! Dr. John, I-i-is my daughter alright?"

Seeing the anxiety on Mike's face, Dr. John placed his hand lightly on his shoulder, and said, "Don't worry, she is alright. She just fainted due to lack of food. You see, Annabel has a weak body, so she needs to eat at the right time, or else we don't know what can happen. All she needs right now is rest."

"I have prescribed some medicine for her and given it to the nanny. I will be on my way now." Dr. John said as he gathered his thing before making his way out. A relieved Kate saw him out of the house.

Entering his daughter's room, Mike slowly walked toward her bed and stared at his daughter's young and slender face.

He placed his palm on her forehead to feel her body temperature. Only after he felt warmth transfer to his hand did he finally feel relieved. He was only on a business trip for a week. He didn't even know how all this had happened.

Before he could finish his thoughts, he was interrupted by the creaking sound of the door. Kate, who had just returned after escorting the doctor out, entered the room.

Before she could say a word, she was harshly interrupted by Mike's cold voice.

"If you can't do your job right, then leave."


Kate entered the room and saw Mike seated on the bed with his palm caressing Annabel's cheeks. The next thing she heard was a cold and deep voice, "if you can't do your job right, then leave."

His words made her quickly drop to her knew as she pleaded with a trembling voice, "I'm very sorry, Mike. I don't know why Annabel fainted today. Please forgive me."

Her pleading irked Mike as a smirk contorted his face when he stood up from the bed and walked towards the kneeling Kate.

"Kate, do you know the reason why Bel fainted? She fainted because of lack of food. My daughter fainted due to lack of food. I am one of the richest CEO of Graceland, and my daughter fainted because of lack of food. Isn't it funny, huh?" Mike jeered.

"I'm so sorry, Mike. I don't know why she didn't get to eat today. Please, I promise, nothing like this will ever happen again," Kate continued pleading.

She didn't know why things turned out the way they did, but she was sure she never wished for the little girl to go through what she went through.

Seeing her plead on her knee, a pained smile crossed his lips as he said, "Of course, something like this won't happen again....because you will no longer work here. You're fired!"

When Kate heard those words come out from his lips, her eyes widened as any hope she had died.

Without uttering another word, Mike walked back to his daughter's bed. He lowered his body and gently patted her head for a while.

Then, as Mike was about to leave, a warm little hand slightly pulled at his clothes. He heard a subtle weakened voice, "D-d-daddy, please don't fire Katie. It's not her fault that I'm hurt."

Hearing what his daughter said, Mike leaned down and said to her calmly, "Tell me, sweetheart, who is the reason you fainted?"

Annabel fluttered an eyelid and answered, "Well, daddy, no one is to blame. I'm sure mommy just forgot."

Mike clenched his fist at her words. Now he knew who caused all this, "Come on, sweetheart, tell me, what did mommy forget?"

Gaining all her strength to talk, Annabel said, "Well, daddy, Katie, and the others had to leave today since today was their day off, but Katie didn't leave me alone. She left me with mommy.

Looking at his daughter anxiously, Mike said, "Ok, now tell me, after they left you with mommy, what happened?"

"Well, in the morning, I went to meet her in the room to tell her I was hungry, but she was on her call and told me that after she was done, she would come to cook for me."

"So I went and waited, but one hour later, I came to remind her, but she was getting ready to go out. She told me she had something important to do and would be back in twenty minutes with some good food too, so I waited, but she still haven't returned. D-daddy, I think mommy just forgot."

Hearing everything his daughter said, Mike felt like Strangling Rena.

He blamed himself for what his daughter was going through, but he couldn't do anything about it, "Don't worry, sweetie, I'm sure mommy just forgot ok."  Mike said, pulling his daughter close to him and hugging her tightly.

He was going to make sure he rained fire on Rena tonight. Enough was enough of all the pain she was giving him and his daughter.