"Good morning Mr. Alexander, I'm Katherine.. it's nice to meet you." She said as she bowed in respect.

Upon seeing the woman in front of him, Mike furrowed his brows in surprise.

She is beautiful! He thought as he couldn't keep his eyes off her.

Katherine was a woman with beauty but her beauty wasn't that extravagant or extreme. It was just pure and natural.

She had the most beautiful white and pale skin like snow. She was tall, very tall for a woman...she was almost his height if he had say.

She had a nice shape also, although she wasn't thin, she wasn't fat either. Instead she had a normal size shape.

She had curves but wasn't too curvy. if you wanna put it in a way, you Could say that she had a nice and beautiful body.

Her eyes were brown in colour and as it stared straight at him, it felt like she was reading and studying him.

Her lips were as red as cherry, she didn't add make-up at least not much. Her eyebrows were nicely long and beautiful.

She had full sized breasts with a nice hip and shape below her abdomen.

Everything about her was just so different and captivating, he had never seen any woman like her.

Although Rena and other woman he had met were much more beautiful, something about her just drew him to her.

Noticing that he had been staring at her like a weirdo, he quickly said, "Oh! um...yes, I heard you are here for an interview right?"

He asked drying to make things less awkward and upon hearing that, Katherine nodded, "Yes Sir, I'm here for the interview."

"Well then, let's begin." He said as he relaxed on his chair.

Hearing that, Katherine braced herself for whatever was coming next.



"Birth city?"




Upon hearing her reply, he couldn't help but furrow his brow in surprise. How can a woman like herself be single.

"um Family members?"

-"Two sons"

"huh! excuse me?" He said a little taken aback.

Hearing that, Katherine said, "I have two sons, twins actually. I'm a single mom." She replied with a smile plastered on her face.

Single mom?

He didn't know, No wonder there was this Aura that radiated out if her and the fact that she seemed really proud about that, made him melt for her.

Most woman would feel a little bad about being a single mother but she was different.

"Ok then, well enough if the personal questions. Now why don't you tell ms what company you used to work with last and why you stopped working there. From your report, you resigned, may I know why?"

He asked and upon hearing that, she said, "I used to work in a fashion industry in Willows. I was the CEO's secretary so I can proudly say that I have some experience."

She said calmly and then continued, "But I resigned" Finding a little different to say it, Katherine then said, "Let's just say that the CEO wasn't a decent man and did alot of things that were wrong."

"He thought that he could have his way with me but I proves him wrong." she said proudly.

Heather that, Mike knew what she felt and he almost laughed, He didn't expect that it would be because of that.

To round it all up, Mike asked her some other questions that were needed and after some time, the interview was over.

"So sir, did I do well?" Katherine asked nervously.

Hearing that, Mike kept quiet a little before then saying, "U haven't hired you yet, let's just say that you are on probation. Carry this files and arrange them for me."

He instructed and upon hearing that, Katherine nodded and did as he said. She carried the files and bowed before she left the office.

With her gone, he could finally breathe freely. God that woman is something else. Even her nice scent was still lingering in the room.

x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x

As she got out of the office with the files, she met the manager who had guarded her here.

Upon seeing Katherine, Emma said, "So, did you get the job?"

Hearing that, Katherine said, "He didn't say I got the job. He just said that I'm on probation apparently."

"Oh! don't mind that, he says that to everyone employee who you see here. By the end of the day, you'll be an official employee ok. Your desk as already been cleaned for you." Emma said.

"Oh ok, thank you... I'll go there now." Katherine said as she made her way to her new desk.

Finally, she could get Working!