They went back into the company and straight to the elevator leading upstairs.

It was a quiet and awkward ride in the elevator and although it was air-conditioned, Mike still had sweat coming his forehead.

For some reason he felt so nervous around her. After their few minutes ride, it finally stopped and opened.

But yet he stood still without moving. Noticing that, Katherine said, "Sir! aren't you going out?" she asked a little confused.

Hearing that, Mike said, "I am..but please, ladies first." He said like a true gentleman and upon hearing that, Katherine smiled slightly.

"Ok then." she said as she made her way out but just as she was about to leave the elevator, she mistakenly tripped and then just as she closed her eyes ready to feel the hard floor ground and the pain that comes After.

'Bam!' she was caught. 'Why am I not down yet?' she thought but then felt a pair of huge hands wrapped around her waist and it was no one other than Mike.

He had quickly caught her before she fell down but now he couldn't leave her be. She had the softest skin and he could feel it while holding her.

She was way lighter than she looked and soft too, oopsy I already mentioned that. (hehe).

She looked up to see Mike's handsome face, she had never seen him up close before and she had to say that he had the most dreamy eyes.

Standing up straight, Katherine adjusted herself and Mike let her go, " Thank you for catching me and I'm sorry, I should have looked at where I was going."

She said apologetically and upon hearing that, Mike said, "It's ok... Just be careful next time." and with that, he left leaving her behind.

He entered his office and she went to her desk. She got the job now so the deal was officially hers well until the former secretary comes back.

But before that time, she would be known as the secretary of the Daddy CEO of Graceland.

x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x

The day went by really fast and before we knew it, it was already five In the evening.

The working day ends at five so the workers and employees were already leaving little by little.

Katherine who was new here didn't know the exact time that it was good to go and since she was the CEO's secretary, she couldn't just leave like that so she occupied herself with more work.

*Ring* * Ring*

Her phone rang and it was no one other than Ruby. picking up the phone, Katherine said, "Hay! how you doing? and how's the boys, have you picked them up from school yet?" she asked anxiously.

Hearing that, Ruby said, "Yes I have, they are inside there room attending to their assignments. So how's everything, did you get the job?" she asked excitedly.

"Yes I did." Katherine replied with a smile on her face.

Hearing that, A loud squeal was heard from the other line, "I'm Soo happy, congrats! once you get back we ate gonna have a feast." she said smiling.

"Ok I've heard, have the boys eaten... because I kept some food in the fridge for them, Jin should show you." she said.

"Enough of telling me how to take care if the boy. I already gave them food, we ate in our way back from school so don't worry. Just focus on work and come back early, they miss you." Ruby said.

And upon hearing that, Katherine said, "Ok then, take care and I'll be back soon." with that, she cut the call and a sigh escaped her lips.

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Three hours later, she was still busy with some work although almost everyone had left.

Meanwhile, Mike who had just finished speaking to one if his investors, turned to look at his laptop Which showed CCTV camera of outside his office And Katherine's desk.

He was a little surprised to see Katherine still here and working.

He called her into his office and few seconds later, she came in, "Sir you called for me." she said as she stared at Mike.

"Yes um...why haven't you left yet? Almost everyone is gone, what's still holding you up." Mike asked.

Hearing that, Katherine was a little confused before then saying, "Well I'm sir's secretary and my job doesn't permit be to leave before my boss so I'm still here since sir is still here." she said with outmost sincerity.

Hearing that, Mike was a little taken aback. She was waiting for him and util he leaves would she also leaves.

She had kids at home, doesn't she knows that she supposed to be home early but wait, she does but she's here because of him.

Man! he wanted to go home early today since he didn't wanna see Rena's face but now he had no other choice but to go.

Sighing, he said, "Then so get the car ready, I'll be outside in a minute."

Hearing that, Katherine tried to hide the happiness on her face but he was still able to see through her.

Nodding she left the office towards her desk, took her bag and things and made her way outside the company.

Mike just sighed, it has just been a day but he was already getting to know different sides of this secretary of his.

Standing up, he also took his black suitcase and phone and made his way out.