
"Goal!!!" Jun and Jin shouted once again as Jun has just scored his sixteenth Goal and Mike who was now out of breathe couldn't help but say, "Are you sure you don't know how to play because you just won me for the sixteenth time."

Mike voiced out as he was worn-out and hearing that, Jun just shrugged as he said, "Maybe you are just too old."

He said as a chuckle escaped his lips but just then, the not so happy voice of Katherine was heard, "And what's with that tone? Apologize!"

Katharine scolded and hearing that, Jun reluctantly said to Mike, "Sorry!"

"There is no need Katherine, we were just talking... how's the food coming along?" Mike asked.

"Well I'm almost done." She said but then she was interrupted by a slight cough from Annabella and hearing that, Katherine smiled as she said, "We are almost done but I brought you guys some hot cocoa since it's freezing out here."

Katherine said as she handed Mike a mug filed with hot cocoa and she did the same for Jun and Jin.

"Yah it is but we are ok...you know what, I heard some few days ago that it might snow in the Dens-House tonight." Mike said and hearing that, The confused Katherine asked, "What's a Dens-House?"

"Ah! well it's a nice open restaurant near the city fountain, it's actually has the best view and everything you could imagine. Many people come there to see fireworks and it's also where the City usually makes their Christmas gathering so it's a nice place to see the first snow flakes."

Mike said and hearing that, "Well then, I would love to go there t-that's if the kids allow since it's their birthday and all." Katherine said and hearing that, Annabella cutely said, "I would love to go papa."

"Same here." Jun and Jin followed and with that, Mike said, "Great! then we will leave this evening."

Nodding, Katherine said, "Ok then, have your cocoa And you guys continue with your sport, I'll go back to the kitchen but once it's all ready.. I'll come call you guys."

Saying that, Katherine took Annabella's hand as they both went inside.

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It has been over ten minutes now And still Jun was literally smacking Mike in football which made him extremely exhausted.

"W-why don't we take a little break huh?" Mike said and hearing that, Jun nodded as smirk appeared on his lips.

With that, he went to the balcony as he rested on the railings with his brother. Just then, Katherine called for Jin and with that he went inside, leaving Mike and Jun alone.

And with that, Mike walked towards Jun as he then rested on the railings beside him, saying, "Why don't you tell me the truth? Why did you ask my to teach you how to play football when it's literally obvious that you are an expert in it."

Mike asked and hearing that, Jun looked at him as he hesitated a little before then saying, "Because it's different!"

"Different? How?" Mike asked confused by the boys words and hearing that, Jun continued, "Everywhere I go I see different sons with their Dads. They play football and go to games and matches with them but even though I could do all those things, it won't feel the same without my Dad."

"All my Friends brag about their Dad and I guess I just feel envious of them. Although I don't know who my Dad is and why he isn't here, I still wish he was here so he could do all those fun things that Father and son usually did together." He explained.

"I'm sorry for lieing to you but I just wanted to get to play football with a man who I could imagine as a father, even though it's only for some time." Jun said sadly and hearing all that, Mike couldn't help but feel for the poor boy.

He understood him well and his heart for some reason ache to head him say all that.

Keeping quiet for sometime, Mike then said, "When I was I kid, I also longed for a father's love. Although it was something impossible, I still did but I the end I gave up because although I saw him every single day of my life, it felt like he wasn't even there."

"So you don't need to apologize for what you did because I understand you. and anyway, it's your birthday and if what you want is a father, then I'll be a father for you even if it's just for a day. Now why don't we play another round and this time do take easy on me!" Mike said with a slight laugh and hearing that, Jun laughed along with him as they both went back to play.