"So do you like me, yes or no?" Mike asked and hearing that,, Katherine Just stared at him with her brown pure eyes.

She kept quiet for some time but then said, "All my life, I've depended on people who I once called my family but in the end they failed me and my sons. I've lived for eight good years, struggling to take care of my sons and never ever thought about myself."

"I came to Graceland to start a fresh, to meet new people and with a hoping heart that at least they won't judge me because I'm a single mother but yet the do the same....but amongst everyone, someone saw through me.."

"He had just met me and knew not much about me but he trusts me, cares for me and my sons....he doesn't see me as a woman who got pregnant out if wedlock but as a strong independent woman who is fulfilling the duty of a father and mother and his very proud of me."