Walking towards Rena's room, Annabella smiled widely as she saw Rena who had just got off from a call and upon seeing Annabel, she smiled as she called her towards her.

"So tell me baby! What should we talk about? Say, Where did you and your Papa celebrate your birthday last night?" She asked as she was curious.

_If there was by any Chance that Mike was with Katherine yesterday then she would go crazy on him tonight.

And upon hearing that, Annabel responded, "Let's not talk about that, instead I have something to give you!"

She said and hearing that, Rena frowned slightly as she said, "Something? What's that?"

She asked and hearing that, Annabella grinned widely as she then placed the drawing on Rena's hand, "See this?" she said and with that, she immediately took a run for it and seeing that, Rena was a little taken aback.