Cooking Contest

x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x

A black car parked at the driving lot if what seemed like an elementary school.

And existing the car was no one other than Mike and Katherine as they made their way towards the school.

As they walked the school huge field, they could see different kids at the age of 6-13 all playing and cuddling their parents.

And walking towards the school, Katherine's eyes sparkled as she laid her eyes on her boys and Annabella.

And upon seeing their parents, the three chipmunks quickly ran towards them and the swoosh, Mike carried Annabella up and Katherine bent down to give her boys a warm hug.

"Mama! you made it!" Said the twins in unison and hearing that, Katherine nodded as she pecked them on the cheek.

Just then, the voice of a woman was heard as she walked towards Katherine and Mike.

She wore a pink ladies suit and had the most darkest, brown hair and nice green eyes.