With the contest over, Katherine and Mike then decided to take the kids out to celebrate Katherine's victory.

Just as Mrs. Bee had said, Katherine was given a pack of kitchen utensils and an amount of 3 Million dollars denoted by the school founder.

[FYI: It was mike who had given the principal to make the price money high, I guess he already knew that Katherine was gonna win]

"Congratulations Katherine! I'm so happy you won!" Said Annabella cutely and hearing that, Katherine patted her head.

"Thanks dear but I won't have won without your dad's help!" Katherine said as she turned her eyes towards Mike.

"Thank you Sir!" She said and hearing that, Mike smiled as he said, "Enough! I just did what I had been instructed to do, 'make sure you don't fall down' and anyway, what did I say about you calling me 'Sir' when we weren't at work?"