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Before Katherine could say anything, Miami kneeled down as she cried out, "Miss Katherine I'm so sorry, I'm sorry for what I did to you. I know what I did was really really terrible and I don't deserve to bye forgiven but it wasn't my fault!"

"I refused to do that but Miss Williams bribed me with a huge amount of money and since I'm in need for money, it was hard to refuse!" She said as she cried for forgiveness.

"Please I promise to do whatever I can do to make it up to you, just don't get me arrested!" She said as she continued begging Katherine and seeing that, Katherine couldn't help but laugh at hee funny behaviour.

Just then, Katherine said, "Ah! Yah Miami, why don't you become my assistant?" Katherine said as she took a slight sip of he drink and hearing that's Miami was a little taken aback.
