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Katherine invited Mandy out for some food at the hotels restaurant and taking her seat, Mandy said "So tell me Katherine, why have you asked me out here?"

She asked and hearing that, Katherine said, "Why don't we wait for our food to come first!" She said and hearing thatz Mandy nodded.

As just then the waitress brought the food ordered by Katherine before they took their seat.

"Thanks for the food, but now that it's here…why don't you answer the question I asked!" Mandy said as she took a bite of the beef placed on her plate.

Smiling, Katherine then said as she took a sip from her fup, "Well Mandy, I would live to ask you a question, I hope you won't mind answering me?"

She said and hearing that, Mandy said, "After giving me such a delicious meal, who am I not to answer you.. c'mon, ask away!"