Bonus Chapter

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Entering Mike's room was Katherine as she made her way to his desk but it was empty and so was his room.

Turns out that he wasn't done showering and seeing thatz Katherine got ready to leave but just then, the sound of the bathroom door opening was heard.

And just then, Mike made his way out with a towel wrapped around his waist and his broad chest naked.

Upon seeing him Katherine eyes were wide open with her cheeks and face as red as a tomato.

Quickly turning around, Katherine covered her flushed as she stood there as still as. Rovk and seeing that, Mike was a little taken aback.

Was his graceful and spirited lover blushing Because of just seeing his bear chest. Wow! He never knew that she was this innocent.

Smiling, Mike couldn't help but think of something naughty as he made his way towards Katherine.