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Bored as hell was Rolland as he stared at the old cranky roof of the warehouse.

He kenw that he was gonna die a very dramatic death one day, but this was too dramatic. Even for him.

Sigh! At least he get to die with his childhood crush but he was still too young and beautiful to die like this.

Just then, he asked Katherine, "You look so calm…Why's that?" He asked and hearing thatz Katherine's smiled slightly as she said.

"Well first of all, this isn't my first time getting kidnapped and second of all…I predicted this!" She said sadly and hearing that, Rolland was now very very taken aback.

"How can you predict yourself getting kidnapped? Even if you did predict it, you should have warned me before I got mixed up in all if this!" He whined like a baby and hearing thatz Katherine's rolled her eyes at his childish behavior.