Bonus Chapter

Upon getting to the hospital, Alice, Allen and Kate made their way straight to the receptionist as they questioned them on where Mike and Katherine was.

And with that, they quickly made their way to the ward.

And they made their way in and upon seeing Katherine, Alice used her little strength to stand up and give her a huge beat hug.

"Katherine! I'm so happy so see you, are you hurt? I hope they didn't do anything to you?" She questioned nonstop as she was as worried about Katherine.

And upon seeing her being so worried, Katherine couldn't help but laugh, "I'm fine..if anyone's hurt then it's Rolland!"

She responded and hearing that, Alice was a little taken aback, "Rolland?"

There was only one Rolland she knew and there was no way he could be her in Graceland.

Moving her head to see the Long Haired man laying on the bed, she was completely lost for words.