"Katherine! You Bitch! What are you doing here?" 

Rena asked angrily as she gazed her eyes you Katherine who looked as gorgeous as ever.

And upon hearing her words, a cunning smirk on her lips as she said, "tsk..tsk..tsk…poor Rena. Even after everything that has happened you still have to gut to throw curses at me even when your father is in this condition because of you!"

Katherine said as she folded her hands and upon hearing her words, Rena was quiet for a second as she downloaded Katherine's words until she finally realized what was going on.

"So you did this to my father? Right? How could you do this to him…I'm your target ain't I? Why did you involve my father in this?"

Rena asked angrily with tears in her eyes and hearing that, Katherine said, "You should lower your voice unless you might just get thrown out of here…and to the answer to you question."