Book one of can you be king of the dead (Chapter 1)(the beta)

We start are story off in a little known town in New York State called almonds ( which is actually a part of New York State in the USA ) in the year 2095

We start off with a kid down on his luck a kid named brad who just lost the love of his as they where in an accident his family is helping to support him and his grandfather and grandmother where taking care of him and his baby triplet sisters the kid brad was already 12 and has a lot to do when brad was done with what was his home work he worked on the family farm and sold fruit veggies meat and other stuff to help with the burden of his family

A kid with rusty red hair good toned muscle brown eyes pointed hock nose oval eyes standing at 6"1 tall had a slight tan he worked until he was 17 then his grandfather passed and much happened his best friend jack told him that he could buy his old pod and test some new games from mega corp sense they always need some new talents brad reluctantly agreed sense his sisters had learned how to farm and most of it was automated to begin with with perennial plants ( this type of plant does exist in real life and it's the same function too ) so the crops come in all on there own no need t replant seeds as they re appear every year

Like clockwork the plants consisted of veggies with some fruit trees and berry bushes as well as some herbs they sell jams , fresh bread , honey and home made candy at a local farmers market brad had saved up enough to buy the a used pod but his friend had basically gave him the pod after words brad went online and found a few online games that betas where going to start soon the best one was a game called Omni-verse

a game that had a to play a class where you could play as just about anything Some classes come as advanced forms some as combo's some have requirements and so on where you can level up your skills and evolve them you kill monsters and level up titles can be a source of strength and you can train your stats skills and so on every level gives you stat points to level up that are universal only the starting stats are different for each class

Brad signed up and created a name called reaper as reaper he gave a role to a class randomizer and got undead necromancer and he rolled the species randomizer and got a basic undead a skeleton necromancer and so his journey begins

(Congratulations player reaper)

Player panel

Name : reaper

Class : necromancer LV 1

Race : undead

Species: skeleton




HP - 10

MP - 100

Strength : 1

dexterity : 1

endurance : 1

intelligence : 10

spirit : 10

charisma : 1

luck : 1


Titles skills


Unique skills


Race skills

Lesser undead

Class skills

Fake life

Skill descriptions

Name - Lesser Undead

Type passive

Gives endless stamina weak to sun light , light magic and holy magic

Name - fake life

Type active skill

Raise undead to fight for you you can raise any monster

He began in a starter village and the village was an undead village filled with undead in a kingdom of undead the village was just like any other a small village almost non existent with less then 100 undead people and he complained for 10 min and no one showed up he had to do

He was after all one of less then 20,000 people who are for the beta and he began as the only one in the village he went to the village chiefs house and asked for quests

Quest collect herbs

Risk level - F

Clear conditions - Collect herbs (0/5)


5 bronze coins

10 EXP

(Can be repeated)

Monster killer

Risk level - F

Clear conditions -

Kill snakes / dogs / giants (0/10)


20 bronze coins

50 EXP

(can be repeated)

Reaper (brad) was bout to head out and do a quest when he found something odd an old man was looking at him he asked what do I have something on my face now that he thought about it what was a human doing in an undead town reaper went and talked to the old man

The old man talked about all kinds of stuff and he got a hidden mission he got the

Mission raise your first undead

Risk level - ???

Clear conditions

raise your first undead (0/1)

Rewords - very upon completion

Reaper learned that this man was a teacher in the big city of the undead and that there was more then one way to make undead you can even customize your own undead the more materials the stronger the soul and the more compatible the materials the stronger the undead that can be made