Chapter 8 finding the materials (#7)

Our hero decomposed the boss monsters and here's what he got

Giant Duel (dark/death) python


python fangs (+2)

python meat (+1)

python skin (+1)

python spine (+1)

python fertile egg (+5)

python Eye (+2)

Skill books

Skill book name stealth

Skill book grade uncommon


Can hide from someone in amy form of darkness duration depending on mana spent

Mana Cost depending on depth of darkness

Skill book name kill presence

Skill book grade epic


Use the element of death to kill the presence of yourself and others depending on skill level and mana used must keep using mana to keep active

giant duel (light/life) Python


python fangs (+2)

python meat (+1)

python skin (+1)

python spine (+1)

python fertile egg (+5)

python Eye (+2)

Skill books

Skill book name mass heal

Skill book rank epic


Can heal a large amount of people at once and has the power to damage undead the amount and power of this skill is dependent on the skills level and the mana put into it

Skill book name Lights guardian

Skill book rank myth


Can summon a guardian angel that's stats are depending on the users and who will hear the users call and be this guardian the first angel to hear the users call will be the permanent guardian of the user

Giant duel (order/chaos) Python


python fangs (+2)

python meat (+1)

python skin (+1)

python spine (+1)

python fertile egg (+5)

python Eye (+2)

Skill books

Skill books name treasure tracker (passive)

Skill book grade unique


Can find treasure anywhere it's hidden

Skill book name map maker (trade skill)

Trade skill grade epic


Can allow the user to make maps of areas he has already been and gives the user a map radar that allows him to find friend from foe

Our her went to town to buy a few new skill books one was the rare skill attract a skill that calls monsters to the user another was the skill mana barrier to form a barrier out of mana the 3rd skill skill is the skill vine whip

Which can give the user a whip made of a vine

Our hero before he entered the dungeon he activated the skill attract to draw monsters to him then he acted and went into his 8th dungeon dive of the day he found him self in a strange area so our hero called out his guardian of light and found that he has summoned a fallen angel

Summon name Fallen angel Dara


Fallen angel , Young angel


Strength 76

dexterity 76

endurance 76

intelligence 76

spirit 76

charm 76

luck 76



A powerful newly born fallen angel that that has yet to see the world she may look like an adult but by angel standards she is only a child and has yet to even learn a skill suited to her she choose to see the mortal world which she needs a medium to do as a result she has been waiting for this day for centuries

Our hero equipped her with all the gear he had the she could use so he summoned his to golems and be fan to seal and fight out his enemy's and then they began the slater of the snakes the monsters began to attack as well as went on the offensive in a matter of minutes there were almost 5000 corpses like a sea of dead snakes our hero also had to decompose those snakes and head to there nests to take them he took so many even before the boss showed up after the boss showed up our hero and his friends found the boss in a frenzy

Boss monster name giant duel (time/space) Python this boss didn't even have any skills so it's a plus our hero go a lot of loot from it but he got 2 title that he was after most

Congratulations player you have gained

2 new titles

Title name solo kill of the subject of time and space


Gain +10 luck

(Upgradable title (1/8)

Title name First kill of the subject of space and time

affect increase affinity to space and time elements

Increases resistance to privacy intrusion

(Upgradable title)

Congratulations player as the first to collect a complete set of titles your title affect will be doubled and you will not have to under go a trial to fuse them into one super title

However you can have your titles go up by an entire rank in the future when the title ranking system is unlocked

please select

yes or no

Congratulations player you have selected yes

As a result you can enter into the raid dungeon that's only available once a month right now

Do you wish to

yes or no

Our hero selected yes once again

Now our hero has entered the final dungeon ahead of time he now has a week to clear it on his own however our hero also has a his summoned companions this place looks like a hodge podge of all the other dungeons before mixed together as one there he began a hunt for the snakes and went on the outer edge of the dungeon

Our hero found many of the same snakes he faced before and used is new group to kill them all he also found it nice that he was finding treasures left and right in this place he after completing the outer layer went it to a deeper layer and found herbs of up to epic tear as a result our hero wanted to go further than this but he choose to do a full circle on the dungeon and kill the snakes inside this time our hero found that there was a boss with them it was the first snake he ever fought the duel (cryo/hydro) Python but much smaller it was actually

Mini boss monster name duel (cryo/hydro) Python


HP 100%

MP 100%


A younger version of the giant duel

(hydro/cryo) python it wants to become stronger so it will eat anything it sees as strong

Our hero found mini bosses time and again