~Chapter 6: Recovery – Part: 5 ~Takal~

Shadow was that bad? He felt horrible that he hadn't noticed. He had always taken good care of her. She had mentioned it earlier, but he'd temporarily forgotten with all the torcher and passing out and all. Ouch, was she trying to inflict more pain? Takal gave the girl a hard stare, but this time she crossed her arms and refused to babble.

He gave a small nod and said, "Shadow will stay here until she can make the trip without a limp. Torn's horse didn't make it. Are there any horses here I can borrow?" he asked.

She looked taken aback and suddenly sad but with a hard swallow, she responded "Umm, there are no horses here but we have a few oxen, bulls, and cows... and a donkey. Someone might lend you something." She said with a doubtful expression.

"Then I'll have to run." He said simply. Running came naturally to him and he did it all the time. He knew he could run the whole way in less time than it took to get here, but that was on a good day and he defiantly wasn't going to be having a good day.

"And pray you don't get an infection" Torn added.

If he developed an infection he likely wouldn't make it back even if the demons didn't find him. Not to mention that there would be nothing their healers could do for him. He could tell by the looks on their faces that they were both thinking along the same lines.

"Well, we better make sure you won't get an infection then". Nieka said pouring more spirit over the side of his face.

Torn snickered and Takal cursed, gods be damned that stuff burned.

The girl took out a small hooked needle and stepped into his personal space her head just above his as he sat on the side of the tub. Instinctively he stood up towering over her. "What are you doing?" he asked eying the needle.

"Relax." She said, reaching up and putting her hands on his shoulders and pulling him back down. "I'm just going to stitch up the length of these cuts. Demons are attracted to the smell of blood, you don't want this still bleeding tomorrow, and although it's mostly clotted, running makes blood flow faster.

"You're going to sew me up like a torn jacket?" he asked.

It was Torn who answered, "Yeah, that's what she did to your arm, it was disgusting. completely unnatural," He shuddered for emphasis. "I'm out of here," he said promptly leaving.

He felt something cold and wet on his face and looked back up at the girl. She was whipping her finger over a towel leaving a green smudge behind. "There in a minute or so you'll barely even feel the needle," she said handing him his bowl of soup and starting some tea. He had eaten half the bowl in the two minutes she gave him before coming back with the needle. He set the bowl aside and gripped the edge of the tub determined not to wince.

He could feel the needle pop through his skin and the tug as she gently pulled the string through his skin. It was an odd disturbing feeling but her gentle fingers seemed to soothe the pain not to say it didn't still hurt but not bad. He was sure her magic was seeping out without her even realizing it. The girl was quiet and focused as she worked. Torn had gone back to sharpening things and he quietly ate his stew as he watched the girl work her "non-magic".

She looked so focused on what she was doing that she seemed completely unaware of his constant staring. If she hadn't looked so oblivious he would have forced himself to look away. Was there anything she couldn't do? She knew secret ways of knocking demons out, she killed demons, she healed people and animals and she was curious and full of fire. She was the most intriguing girl he'd ever met.

When she was done she took out a small jar and rubbed a greenish paste over the stitches. "This will help keep away infection and numb the pain at least on the surface. Make sure to apply more whenever you change your bandages, it should be done at least twice a day" she instructed with a meaningful stare. "And try not to do anything that will rip the stitches out."

"Yes, of course." He said nodding his head. He'd do whatever he had to do, but he figured just agreeing with her would be best.

She sighed and said, "You're not going to listen to a thing I tell you." She grabbed two more strips of cloth, tied the ends of one together, and slipped it over his head placing his forearm in the sling. "Lift your arm" she nudged his uninjured arm and he obliged.

Then she leaned in and reached her arms around him he could feel her gently brushing against his skin and smell the scented shampoo in her hair. It didn't last long enough as she straightened back up rapping the cloth around his chest and upper arm and tying it tight with the knot behind his back where he couldn't reach. He did not like how restricting it felt not to be able to move his arm.

"Don't try to move It." she scolded. Then looking out the door she said to Torn "Don't take this off for him no matter what he says." He groaned. There goes that plan.

She stood up and packed the bowls in her basket. "Drink lots of water and this tea," she said pouring him a cup and handing it to him.

It smelled awful, she stared at him expectantly. He took a sip; it tasted even worse than it smelled.

When he tried to give it back she said. "Fine, I don't know why I'm bothering, you're likely just going to get yourself killed tomorrow anyways." He wasn't sure why but that stung and he drank the rest in silence. She was just trying to save him again.