~Chapter: 8 Preparations - Part 4 ~Takal~

"I noticed you didn't address my question regarding If you fancy the girl so much why not just marry her and she could stay here automatically. The master of vigilance offered slyly.

"I thought that was clear." He delivered another low blow, mostly because he knew she wouldn't ever marry him, she wouldn't even shake his hand goodbye, she hated him, and rightly so he hadn't been kind by any means.

Pushing those thoughts to the side he answered "She's a fighter, she deserves this chance as much as anyone we've recruited, no offense Kyla and Anatida. I respect what you do for us, but she is more useful with a blade in her hand. She asked to fight, not marry. I respect that wish because of her skills and bravery, and for that, she deserves the recognition of a warrior, something she would not get joining as a wife. If she chooses to marry later so, be it. Let that man deal with trying to keep her safe but let her be a soldier first.

"As her brother in arms I stand with her, in this fight, but I would not marry her just so she can get a fraction of what she deserves." Deciding that that sounded a little too dramatic he added indifferently "Besides when have I ever picked the easy way when I find a good challenge."

A brother in arms was a sacred bond stronger than that of blood. A brother in arms never fought a fight alone. Their fight, big or small, right or wrong, was their brothers as well. These bonds were forged in battle through acts of valor in the face of death in the other's defense. This bond was very common in the days of the demon queen and most of the old men before him had at least one brother at arms buried in the meadow to the west of the castle. The bond was never broken even in death; as sometimes it was forged in death.

Today it was only common among the scouts and his only other living brothers at arms were Tornjak and Hawk. With this declaration anyone that opposed the girl now opposed him.

Master Robin Stood "I'd like to change direction here a little. I'm sure her acceptance as a soldier could be debated for hours but there is another path worth considering. Tornjak and El'Takal have both mentioned how quickly she heals and I would like to point out that fast self-healing is a distinct sign of a healing mage and Murin and myself have seen her heal remarkably fast. Even though she appeared half-starved she healed herself from multiple injuries in just over a day.

"You all know that a mage is rare and in high demand these days especially healing mages. If we ever have battles like we did in the time of the queen many would die that otherwise could be saved because we would only be able to heal a few. I would love to have another healer, girl or not a healer is a healer." There were several nods as the masters seemed more comfortable with this idea.

Takal stood "I do agree that the girl is a healing mage, and I believe that the demons know this as well. But I do not think she knows it and so does not know how to use it, but of course, she can be trained. However, just as she knows of fighting styles foreign to us she knows of healing methods that use no magic and can be done by anyone. It is not nearly as good as healing done by magic, but it could save lives and she could teach those even without magic to do it. And that would be immensely valuable if more battles are to come."

"How can one heal without magic?" Master Robin asked.

"I'd like to invite you to take a look at my arm that she healed with what she calls medicines." Master Robin got up and walked over to him as Takal removed his shirt, showing the stitches to everyone. "When I went to the healers I had them heal a broken rib. She could do little about that, but it was the injury to my arm that almost killed me and no magic has touched it."

He took the jar and claw from his pocket and handed one to each man sitting next to him. "During the battle, a Demon clawed my arm so deep that I could not fully stop the bleeding even after an hour though it was bound as we are taught. It was deep and tore through the muscle, this piece just barely hanging on" he said pointing to the 'U' shaped stitch line. She dug that claw out saying it was ripped off when it hit my bone. She cleaned it and sewed it up with a strange curved needle and applied that green paste to keep away infection and numb the pain."

"This is remarkable; your skin has grown back together on its own. And you had no fever?"

"None, it's not as instant as healing magic though, as it has been over two weeks now."

"This could help save lives if ever there are more injured than myself and my men can heal at once. I vote we accept her request, she could be an important asset when it comes to healing."

Everyone agreed although some reluctantly. Master Robin asked several more questions about her strange healing methods but he could only vaguely answer a few. It was agreed she should defiantly come, but the details caused some conflict so they started the debates on her entry. They discussed every possible aspect coming up with even more potential problems than even he had in the last three weeks. It took a few hours but they finally agreed upon her rights and restrictions.

She would not be joining as a wife, as most of the women did in food or cloth or even supplies or farming. These women were without rank, civilians that worked with the army, but not subject to the same training or vow of protection over the people of the land. They had no uniforms except the two who became masters of their sections, they wore the same traditional black robe and colored scarf and held the title of Master. Even they owned no armor and did not fight though they did have to make a vow to serve their respective sections and always act in the best interest of the army and its members.

If Nieka joined as a warrior, she would have to take the vow. By being a mage, she would be granted a position as an officer. When this was argued Master Robin pointed out that even those that were not mages but had a specialized skill set to teach and share were also granted officer ship and she should not be cheated on both accounts. So, the decision was made to make her an entry-level officer.

Though a few still believed she should not fight it was agreed that it would be allowed as long as her healing duties were met first. After all, healers were encouraged to know how to fight for some went into battles to heal the fallen that would be unable to make it back to the camp or castle where the other healers waited.

The decision was made to grant her request under the condition she become a healer at a staggering vote of twenty-one for and three against. His heart soared with the victory only slightly tainted by the loss of a mentor. He was sure the master of vigilance voted against her just to spite him for calling him out. He kind of wished he hadn't, but what was done was done. He just had to hope that after all this, the girl still wanted to join them.