
A boy about 7 year's old was sleeping in a bed. A voice came and woke the boy up.

"Good morning, master Ryan. The weather is fine today, the temperature is 28°C, and the southeast wind is blowing, so it is suitable for going out." said a voice from somewhere in the room.

"Good morning, J.A.R.V.I.S! what's the date today? Asked Ryan somewhat in a sleepy manner.

"The date February 25th of the year 2005, master mark." Replied Jarvis.

It's been 7 years since i came to this world.

I have been living with my father tony stark in the Malibu villa that was shown in the movie.

Life as a child was really hard and embarrassing i must say, as all you can do is eat, sleep and poop. But I was in no way a normal child. I mean yeah I'm a reincarnator and all that bt I'm not talking about that.

My mind was really too developed for a child, i can learn everything at really fast speed, like i could actually walk and talk fluently at the age of one. And as i grow my learning speed became more faster and everything bace more clearer than even in my previous life. I Can understand everything easily which of course depends on the subject i want to understand.

I guess this must be my cheats, that every traveler novel talks about. Although there was no system I was not that disappointed.

"Jarvis, is my father at home?"

"Yes, master Ryan. Mr. Stark came back with the model *** at midnight and now working on his lab." Replied Jarvis.

As I said my father is Tony stark, bt he is not that good of parent yet which can be seen in avengers endgame, bt he's not that bad actually.

I mean he cares a lot about me, almost grant's my every request, it's just that Playboy and arrogant nature that won't change until he goes through he's baptism in Afghanistan.

After coming down to the living room i can see pepper drove the model who came with tony last night.

"Good morning, sister pepper."

"Good morning, Ryan. Did you a had a good sleep?" Asked Pepper with a motherly affectionate voice.

"Yes. It was really good". The realtion between us was like a mother and son. She really took good care of me and she is the reason that my childhood was realtively good.

"Come have your breakfast before you do something else." She said

"Yes. Thank you sister pepper bt you don't have to do this every day you know, there's chefs for this kinda work".

"Ooh what nonsense, it's not that tough work and besides i like doing it for our little genius".

"Well thank you for always taking care of me".

"Awww, would you look at that, so cute. Sometimes I doubt if you're really Tony's son". Said pepper teasingly.

"Well I'm just a better and handsome version of him. Hehe". I replied with a smug face.

"Talking about him, where is he, in the lab?"

"Yes. Working on something". Said Pepper.

"Okay then. Sister Peppers I've got something to do with him. Bye". I said heading downstairs to the lab with a red suitcase.

"Okay". Replied Pepper.