Arc reactor and Plans.

"Good morning, Eve. What day is today?" Asked Ryan after waking up.

"Today is May 2nd of 2006, Sir Ryan" Replied Eve.

Its been almost 2 months since I created Eve. After 2 months of learning and processing many information Eve has become more capable and mature.

"I see. So it's exactly 2 year's before the kidnapping happen. Okay Eve it's time for everything to start. Let's start with creating element X." I instructed Eve.

Element X will be the core component for creating the Improved Arc reactor or as I named it Supreme Reactor, which will be the main energy source for the armours I had in mind. Of course as the MCU started with Ironman, it has to be the first superhero stuff I must create before anything.

"Yes. Sir Ryan everything has been prepared in laboratory underground." Replied Eve.

After eating breakfast with sister Pepper and as usual not seeing my so called dad at the table i got to my lab.

"Welcome. Sir Ryan. Everything has been prepared as you ordered." Said Eve.

"Yes. Let's get started." I said.

After talking to eve I started my mind power and everything about the reactor came to my mind with the tiniest details very clearly. And with the microbots it took an hour for me to make the reactor shell as it is my first time creating. Now it's time for stimulation of the arc reactor.

"Okay Eve, start the laser projector. Start with 10% power and gradually increase it at intervals of 10 until it reaches 100%." I instructed Eve.

Afterwards 5 minutes of stimulation the procedure completed. And what came into view is a glowing Arc reactor.

"Sir Ryan, as expected of you the experiment is an instant success. The reactor can pump almost 100 Jules of electricity per second." Replied Eve a little enthusiastically.

As i said, this is an improved Arc reactor than the one Tony created using the new element. Not only it gives more power bt also it last ten times more. Let's say it can power up the whole new York for a year.

(Is it too exaggerated? So what it's my fanfic. Deal with it◠ᴥ◕ʋ)

"Okay Eve, now that the reactor is complete, let's proceed with the other arrangements." After saying that many kinds of blueprints appeared on the screen.

There are of course many types of armours for different usages. Unlike Tony's first armour i don't needed to wack my brain so much about finding flaws or ideas about what to improve. As it came with perk of being a reincarnator who knows every mark armour and it's capabilities and shortcomings. Theres also many kinds of projects like the star saber from Star wars and the like.

Bt all this inventions are not coming to the public eyes before the iron man incident happens. As I don't know what butterfly effect is gonna happen. Until i grow powerful enough to protect myself and all those dear to me, I'm not going to change the plot much, as it will give me many advantages for knowing what's going to happen in the future and how to make the best use of those.

"Okay Eve, we're going to make some really good things in this 2 years."

"Of course, Sir Ryan."