Drones and Armours

"Sir Ryan, all the preparation have been completed. There are 20 exploration drones, 20 materials gathering dronne, 30 war drones and 5 Ironman Suit warrior of different models for different situation have been prepared. Please for your own safety purposes please put on the isolation suit." Stated Eve.

"'Sigh.' Eve I'm not going on a war with a planet. I'm just going to explore a little and gather some materials. Isn't this a little over the top?" After a year of development Eve have become really overprotective about my safety. She knows that this is a really dangerous world. A little carelessness can become the reason for there life to end. So she always maintains a thorough protection of my safety.

"Master Ryan, this are the must have protection for going to a world of which we know nothing about clearly. There can be many danger hidden. We cannot leave any chances." On the projection replied Eve in a knightly manner by raising a sword, who is pledging to his king.

"Wait. Eve where did you get the sword?" I asked with a little interest.

"I have found some materials on the internet where in fantasy setting a knight is always ready to slay any enemy who is a threat to his king's protection. So since I'm in charge of your protection, so it makes me a knight, and a knight must have a sword right? So, I designed it myself actually." She said the last part a little proudly.

Sword pic here:-

"Haha, what a logical explanation you have made. Sure, you are my knight and I'll be sure to make this sword 'you designed' for you after making yourself a body.

After putting on the prepared isolation body suit I make may way to the departure platform.

Isolation bodysuit pic here:-

On the platform there are 20 exploration drones that are neatly hovering in the air. It looks like a large bird from afar. It is equipped with really powerful cameras and sensors which can detect everything within 50 miles, even the slightest movement of any creatures within it's vicinity. It will be my eyes and ears in these operations.

Exploration drone pic here:-

Slightly under them hovering in the air are the materials gathering and transportation drones. It has a larger body comparing the exploration drones. It pacts every known materials knowledge known by me in the Omniverse which is a lot of knowledge. So it can identify almost any kinds of materials.

There are four robotic arms below which help with collecting and transporting materials.

Gathering drone pic here:-

On the other side are the war drones. Which consists of 2 types of drones each having 15 of the same kind.

One is a bulky sized equipped with all kinds of weapons, missiles and whatnot. Perks of being the young master of the biggest arma company in the world I guess.

Pic here:-

The other one is a ball shaped drone. It mainly consists of energy and laser types of attacks. It specialises in cutting and penetrating any types of enemies. So once you are locked by it's weapons systems then you better Start praying for yourself to go to heaven after death, because there is a little chance that you'll get out of its attacks alive.

Pic here:-

And now comes the main attractions. On the middle of the platform there are standing five steel warriors or as you say it Ironman armour. For the current limitation of the lack of materials, this five are currently my most prized iron armour. The five consists of one being a slim and agile type armour which specialises in agility and flexibility. It almost black in colour for stealth and on its back is a thruster for maximum speed. Also has all the weapons of the mark 45 armour.

Pic here:-

The second is a Spartan type armour for melee combating. It is close combat specialist. It's exterior is designed as warrior consisting of 2 specially made swords and an armbrade. In close combat situation you would never wanna face this thing.

Pic here:-

The third one is identical to the war machine Shown in the movie endgame. As it's name suggests it's truly is a war machine. It can will kill you from miles away and you wouldn't have known it until you're really dead.

Pic here:-

The fourth one is a one shot annihilation expert. It's a heavy-duty yellow coloured huge armor with two arms which can transform into as annihilation cannons. For energy supply it uses three supreme reactors, one in the chest area and two on the back of the shoulder area. It doesn't fire often but When it shoots something, you would not even find the Ashe's of the enemies remains.

Pic here:-

The fifth one is a rapid fire one man army. It's white coloured and it has a big canon on the shoulder and rapid fire machine gun as its right hand. It's a walking killing machine.

Pic here:-

And every armour and drones are controlled by Eve. 'Oh' you saying what am i doing in this operation? Well what else I'm just going for the heck of it. In the future This types of work will be done by Eve alone. This time I'm just going for experience and curiosity.

After aiming the portal gun, I pressed the trigger and a portal opened in front of me. The portal size is controllable so it wasn't difficult for the drones and armours to go through it.

"Hm. Let's see what you've got for us on the other side. Eve let the operation commence." I ordered.

Well, see you on the other side.(ノ^_^)ノ!





[Man it was really a longggggg chapter for me. Man I seriously can't do this long again, ಥ‿ಥNever.]