Something that shouldn't be forgotten

"So, how are you feeling?" Mrs. Miller asked taking out a notepad from the nearby shelf.

"I am good," Merry replied even though she didn't really know what to say.

"Okay, How about everything around you?"

"What do you mean?"

"Like everyone except you, is training and you are excluded from those things. How do you feel about that?"

Merry didn't know herself what she was feeling about being left alone. She had mixed feelings.

"How am I supposed to feel? There must definitely be a reason why I am not training."

Mrs. Miller started to write something on her notepad.

"And why are you even asking me? This was done all by you guys so, you must know everything, right?" Merry asked getting frustrated.

"Looks like you must've been very upset. Did you feel like you were being considered less than others?"

"What are you saying?"

"No, I'm just asking if it bothers you that you are different than others."

"What?" Merry asked getting surprised.

All of her friends were moving forward and she was stuck both in the previous room and even after shifting to the new place nothing had changed for her.

But, she didn't let herself feel sad and tried to look to the positive side.

Nevertheless, it didn't mean that she wasn't feeling bad about it.

With all these things wanting to share to someone, Merry knew, it surely wasn't Mrs. Miller to whom she wanted to talk.

"I don't feel anything."

"What about your dreams? Do you want to talk about that?"

When Merry heard that question she felt chills down her spine. 'How could I forget we are under constant surveillance?'

"What about my dreams?"

"You had a bad dream and you screamed, didn't you?"

'Is this a somekind of test to see if I speak the truth or not? If she already knows about me having a nightmare, why is she asking?' Merry muttered under her breath.

"Yes, I had a bad dream but when I woke up I couldn't remember anything," Merry replied wanting not to tell Mrs. Miller about the dream.

"It's okay. You can talk to me. I am here for you guys. I always want what's good for you."

"No,I seriously don't remember," Merry replied not giving up her stance.

"You sure, you don't remember anything. If you want to talk anything related to it, you can always find me."

After a long back and forth, Mrs. Miller finally gave up on prying the info and sent Merry back to her dorms.

As soon as Merry reached her room, she hurriedly drank a cup of cold water.

Her mouth was dry because of all the nervousness. She felt like she was being interrogated for a crime.

Most importantly, she couldn't believe herself that she forgot about the surveillance.

It had only been a few days since they shifted in this dorm and she had already started to feel easy with the situation.

'I should always be on my toes.' She reminded herself.

Merry looked towards the clock on the wall and it had already been eight hours since her friends left.

They were not back yet and she felt like a lifetime had gone since then. So much had happened to her in those hours.