[Bonus chapter]Sneakily Confronted

The knocking didn't seem to stop on its own, so Merry went to check who was on the other side of the door, desperately trying to make someone open the door from inside even though most of the times people just walked in without any knock. Neither her friends nor any guards. 

As soon as she opened the door, Merry took a step back seeing someone she didn't expect. She was a little bit shocked. She had expected Mrs. Miller to call her for a session of counseling with her. 

That day's session had got cancelled. And on top of that, Merry knew that Mrs. Miller will surely try to test her to see if she really knew about the binder or not. 

"How could she not be suspicious? The binder was out in the open, whether she put it there intentionally or not. She must want to know how much I read and know." Merry thought to herself.

After opening the door, Merry hadn't spoken a word for almost a minute so Mrs. Miller called her breaking her out of the stuphor, "Merry!"