
Chapter 04: Circle Hero Academy(04)

We hope to help each of you sculpt yourselves into true Heroes during your 5 years with us.

With that being said I would like to welcome you all as official students to the Circle Academy.

Now, if you will all meet us in the training field directly behind this building. We have some sparring matches between some of the student council members so you will get a better idea of the type of power you can attain at this academy. As well as the opportunity to meet with some of the school hero groups and get something to eat. before the entrance ceremony comes to an end"

The training field, it turns out, was massive.It had a 40 km loop running trail, 2 obstacle courses, 4 fighting stages that measured 40 meters across, and a forest all surrounded by a 10 m tall wall. All of this was spread out over hilly terrain.

There were several booths setup with students manning each one. They were wearing white or blue suits with mandarin collars and gold school crests over their hearts. Each booth had a sign next to it stating the group name. There were the Vindicators, Freedom Force, the Red Faction, the Defenders, the Nova League, and the Sentinels.

Two of the fighting stages were occupied. On each stage stood 2 students clad in blue compression suits and an adult in a silver suit with a platinum Circle Academy crest over their hearts.

Upon seeing the crowd gather near the stages each of the men in silver suits raised their right hand then brought it down.

At this point the students on one stage flew up into the air and immediately began to trade blows. The shockwaves made it difficult for much of the crowd to stay on their feet whenever they clashed closer to the ground.

After a minute or so they began to form attacks using their individual elements. Walls of fire and blades of wind clashed in the air.

The other 2 participants glowed with green and yellow light. As they rushed towards each other the impact from their blows shook the surroundings.

The two combatants leaped away from each other. They both spread their arms wide as the light surrounding them intensified. The ground began to shake as giant roots shot out of the ground smashing into equally terrifying stone spikes, creating a clash of destruction between the two glowing figures.

The new students watched in awe as the student council members fought overhead.

Kai watched for a few seconds.

'These guys are moving so slow... They must be holding back so the crowd can see what they're doing.'

'Well this is boring… I think I'm going to go check out these hero groups the principal was talking about earlier.'

Thinking this he turned around and leisurely walked towards the booths that had been set up.

After chatting with the students at the various booths, Kai walked away from the booths while deep in thought.

'Well the Vindicators and Nova League don't seem to get along.'

'Freedom Force is the student president and vice president's group and it seems pretty exclusive. It's also the most powerful group in the school. While the Red Faction is almost exclusively D ranks.'

'The Defenders and Sentinels are mostly earth and metal controllers and they apparently mix about as well as oil and water.'

'It really feels like joining one of the groups would be more hassle than it's worth. Well it's not like it's mandatory or anything.'

'Admittedly though the Vindicators did have the best snacks.'

Thinking this, Kai started eating the funnel cake he had gotten from the Vindicators booth.

As he was walking and eating he was paying no attention to what was in front of him. Only to the delicious treat in his hand.

Just as he was about halfway done with the funnel cake Kai noticed John walking towards him. A smile came across his face and he waved at his friend who he hadn't seen since the summer before they turned 8.

John noticed Kai waving. He smiled then waved back. As he did his eyes went wide.

'Why's he making that face?'

At this point Kai noticed that there was currently an unconscious person falling through the air towards him at twice the speed of sound.

'Well that looks like that won't feel good. Might as well do my good deed for the day.'

Kai started walking towards John. As he did he took a bite of his deep fried sugar covered treat. He casually spun his left index finger for a moment, causing a wind vortex to form under the falling figure for a split second.

This caused the unconscious student to pause in midair about 2 meters above the ground for a fraction of a second, before dropping onto the ground behind Kai.

The instructor presiding over the match quickly rushed to check on the person that fell from the sky before assuring the crowd that he was going to be fine.

Then he flew off towards the interior of campus with the unconscious student in his arms. While the winner of the match silently followed behind them.

Kai seemed oblivious to everything going on behind him as he continued walking towards John.

"Hey John. Long time no see."

John facepalmed before regaining his composure. "Hey, Kai. So do you know which dorm they have you in?"

Kai stopped, looked at his snack then looked at his holo-device. Then he shrugged and smiled. "Nope, I haven't even looked yet."

John chuckled. "Well did your grandma tell you about the secret stuff? "

A look of recognition appeared on Kai's face before he took another bite. Then a voice was heard by John. It sounded like Kai was whispering directly into his ear even though he was currently standing there in front of him with a mouth full of food.

"If you're talking about the fact that our being S+ rank is a state secret until we graduate and we're not supposed to let anyone know who our grandparents are. Then yes."

"Ok, good. So, have you had a chance to check out the clubs yet?"

Kai swallowed what he was chewing. "Yeah. They seem like a complete waste of time. Mostly a bunch of rich pampered kids."

"..." John's eyes opened wide.