
Chapter 05: A year as a bronze crest(04)

"Why do you keep yelling when I explain the parameters of experiments to you?"

"Did you just say experiment???"

"Just a figure of speech, and I don't know why you're worried. Just use one of those bath bombs I made for you and heal yourself with light energy while the bubbles eat your flesh. Matt didn't seem to mind when I helped him do it the other night… Well except for the screaming, but I'm pretty sure that's normal."

"Bath bomb? That's what you're calling that thing!?"

"Well I would make sure to use a hydrofluoric acid bath and not water. Otherwise when the outer coating dissolves it'll blow up. Oh, and try to remember to use a Teflon tub so you don't eat a hole in the floor."

Justice rubbed the bridge of his nose. "Is there anything else I should be wary of?"

"Hmmm… No, you should be fine, but you should probably supply Teflon chemical suits and gas masks to anybody else in the vicinity since it's really toxic."

"Dude, how the hell did you do this with Matt?!"

"Oh, no… Fluoroantimonic acid would definitely kill Matt. I used sulfuric acid with him. I just got one of the A ranks to heal him while he melted."



"How did you even convince someone to help you with something like melting someone?"

"Oh, I promised to beat up her ex-boyfriend. "

"... You didn't tell her you were melting someone beforehand did you?"


"I knew it… Are you sure she's not gonna go telling people that you are melting fellow students?"

"Oh, I'm sure. She promised that she didn't see or hear anything that happened and was really insistent that she wasn't ever there. Well, after she stopped throwing up that is. Admittedly it was pretty messy since Matt was splashing around a lot until he passed out."

"... You realize this sounds crazy right?"

"It's Ok… Fluoroantimonic acid is what I used on myself so I'm fairly sure it will melt you just fine."


Vector smiled and then turned his head towards the door. ('Looks like the rest of the class is back from their field trip.')

Justice facepalmed. "Dude, are you sure this won't permanently injure me or anything?"

"About 80% if everything goes well."

"If it doesn't?"

"Oh… Then more like 60% but even then you'd still get stronger there would just be some possible psychological issues due to the pain… But, Matt seems fine and I'm not crazy or anything, so you should be good."

"Somehow that's not that reassuring…"

"It'll be fine…"

At this point a green haired green eyed girl standing 145cm walked into the room. She wore a dark gray school uniform with a silver crest. "OH… It's the new guys. Hi! I'm Sprite. Welcome to Circle Academy! "

Vector waved to her as she proceeded to stand next to them. "Hi, I'm Vector and this is Justice. It's nice to meet you."

"So I heard you both were dual element controllers. So did you unlock any unique abilities? "

"SPRITE! You've been told numerous times. That is a rude question. " A blue haired dark skinned boy with a gold crest on his uniform came through the doorway.

Sprite turned to face him using her index finger she pulled down her lower eyelid and stuck her tongue out at him. "Whatever Mr. VP… I was just greeting the new guys."

Vector looked past Sprite and waved at Surge. "Oh, hi… it's OK. I don't mind." Then he looked at Sprite who had turned back around. "Well I've developed super speed and Justice here developed super thick skin."

Justice facepalmed. "He means I'm really durable. He's also not quite used to socializing with anyone except his trainers and me."

'I am too… I've been communicating with the other disciples for years."

"They're all monks who took vows of silence and punching people in the face isn't considered socializing."


Sprite looked back and forth between the two then raised her eyebrow. "I take it you two know each other from outside the academy."

Vector smiled. "We've known each other since we were 3. So yes. We haven't been able to hangout since we awakened though."

Sprite face morphed into a beaming smile. "Oh, that's…"

At this point 8 more students including the student body president filed into the class and took their seats.

Pyro glanced over at Sprite. "Sprite, hurry up and sit down. The teacher is right behind us."

Sprite took the seat next to Vector and faced forward while sighing. "I was just saying hi to the new guys…"

Riptide came in through the door. "That's very kind of you to welcome the new students Sprite. However, it's time for class to start. Are you going to be sitting there now?"

"Yes sir."

"Very well, just don't distract them during class. Today we'll be discussing international policing jurisdictional laws."

For the next hour class went on until the bell rang. The only class either of the 2 boys had with their other classmates was advanced biology with Sprite and Advanced physics which Surge.

After that day the two started hanging out with the Red Faction members. It only took one A rank being taped unconcious and bloody to a flagpole for the harassment to stop.

The two boys got along fairly well with all their classmates especially since Vector would help anyone that asked with their studies and Justice would help people with their combat skills.

4 months later, Red faction started getting questioned by the faculty about how they were all suddenly becoming C ranks.

They spilled the beans and it all came back to Matt. Fortunately he was able to explain it away by saying he had decided to try out stuff he had read in a bunch of novels and some of it turned out to work so he shared it with the group. He was awarded a citizen service medal and $100 000.

The investigation lasted 2 months.

6 months after Matt had submitted the breathing technique Vector had given him to the school, the only D ranks left in Red Faction were the newer recruits who had just joined.

The breathing technique which ended up being called the 'Cosmic Breath technique" was circulated to all the classes. It would also be taught to all the new incoming students.

Matt by that point had become a B rank and had taken the hero name Matt. His hair and eyes were now a dark gray though he still had a slender frame.

This was actually Justice's idea. He and Vector managed to convince Matt that it would be the perfect hero name. In truth it was because they had gotten used to calling him by his name and didn't want to remember a new one.

During this time Justice and Vector had been going to all their classes and trying to keep a low profile after they ended up cleaning the bathrooms in the blue dorms for a month after the flagpole incident.

Their first sparring match destroyed the fighting stages on the training field and left 30 students hospitalized for several days.

After that the principal banned them from participating in practical combat application classes or sparring matches.