
Chapter 06: Broken Circle(04)

Top of the West Wall, Port City(formerly Astoria & Portland area, Oregon, USA - Earth)


Two hundred and five people, 75 women and 130 men wearing various colored hero suits with the lower half of their faces covered, stood on top of the heavily manned wall. A group of 5 of them stood apart discussing their plans for the incoming beast wave.

A 190cm tall brown skinned woman with blue eyes and short puffy hair wearing solid blue, put her hands on her hips. "So, does anybody know anything about this kid that's supposed to be helping us?"

One of the two identical 170cm tall pale skinned brunettes wearing matching silver outfits looked at her. "Yeah Wave, I do. I heard he was barred from combat classes, due to injuring a bunch of other students."

Her sister Fi nodded. "Yeah, Mi is right. Our cousin works for Circle Academy as a resource clerk. He said that that kid and another student destroyed one of the fighting stages during a sparring match."

One of the men who was wearing a yellow and green outfit and stood 205cm tall, shook his head causing his black locks to wave back and forth exposing his yellow eyes. "That's impossible. I went to Circle Academy. There's no way two S ranks destroyed one of the fighting stage barriers. It would take a member of the Circle to shatter one."

The 148 cm tall woman with silver eyes, black hair and dressed completely in black nodded her head. "Crusher is right. I tried for about a half hour before, during my senior year. All I could get it to do was flicker. However, I did hear something about that Vector kid."

Crusher looked at the woman in black. "So are you gonna tell us Nightingale? "

Nightingale smiled. "He's shorter than me…"

At this point everybody except Crusher jumped back assuming defensive stances. Crusher turned around quickly only to see, no one…

"Miss I'm still growing so that doesn't really seem a fair comparison."

Crusher looked down upon hearing the voice only to discover a 144cm tall boy with silver hair and eyes with the lower half of his face covered, dressed in a Circle Academy S rank training outfit with a silver crest over his heart.

"Wow he really is shorter than you." He then looked at his communicator. "You're here earlier than expected. Well, do you have a sitrep to pass on?"

Vector looked up at the man. "I'm just fast, so it didn't take that long to get here. As far as the situation goes, we've got about 210 S ranks headed this way herding about 30000 A ranks and nearly 2 000 000 lower rank beasts. They are still about an hour out at their current speed though. So we have a bit of time to prepare at least."

Nightingale looked at Wave and shrugged her shoulders. "At least he came prepared."

Wave looked out towards the ocean then pushed the button on her radio. "Base we've got a lot of trouble headed our way. 210 S ranks, at least 30000 A ranks and around 2 000 000 other beasts. They'll be here in less than an hour."

She looked at Vector who was currently looking out to sea. "You nervous kid? Is this your first beast wave?"

Vector never took his eyes off the horizon. "No. This will be my fourth."

Everyone in the group's eyes went wide. Mi gazed at Vector. "Did you say your forth? But, you're a silver crest…"

"Oh, it was before I started school. My grandma and my uncles said it was better if I got some practical experience before I started at the academy. "

Fi walked up to Vector's right side and looked at him. "Wait… So you're telling us your family somehow convinced the US government to let a 12 year old partic…"

"9… Also it was the Japanese government. My uncles were super insistent. So they didn't really have a say in it."

Nightingale started laughing. "HAHAHAHA! That's a good one kid. You don't gotta lie though. It's totally normal to be nervous."

Vector glanced back over his shoulder and shrugged. The rest of the group began laughing with the exception of one of the men, who had remained silent this whole time.

He was 170cm tall with red eyes, a bald head and wearing a sky blue outfit. He was actually a shaolin monk named Shi Miáo Long who was visiting his mother and sister in Port City when word of the Beast wave arrived.

Unnoticed by the others, Long had been staring intently at Vector since he had arrived. He bowed towards the boy. "Little brother, why don't you stay by my side during the beast wave."

Wave looked at Long for a moment than back at Vector. "Works for me. That way I don't have to babysit him. Just remember monk, he's still a second year student with no combat experience."

Were his head not bowed, everyone present would have noticed the look of amusement that momentarily appeared on his face. He composed himself and stood up straight. "Oh, yes not a problem. I will keep the little brother safe."

Looking at Vector he nodded his head. "You may call me brother Long."

Vector walked up to the monk. "You look familiar… Have I met you somewhere?"

"..." ('Yes. I had the honor of watching your spar with senior Fujin 3 years ago when I was visiting the seniors with my master. I'm assuming you are trying to remain low-key. It would be my honor if you allowed this little one to protect this place with you. You may call me brother Long.')

Vector's face went stiff for a moment under his mask. "Hmmm… guess not. Well I'll be in your care then sir. He then bowed to Long." ('I knew you looked familiar… Brother Long, don't let these guys know I can use telepathy though. Also I'm not supposed to let anyone know how strong I am till I graduate. So if you wouldn't mind could you keep that to yourself')

('You are a student of my master's friend. I would keep this secret without being asked.')

Long nodded at Vector. "Then just stay by my side. I will help keep you safe since you are still a student."

Wave clapped her hands together. "Good, then let's spread out. Everybody keep an eye out. If you see something immediately let everyone know on the radios. Kid, we'll be on channel 42."

Vector set his radio to channel 42.

Then the group took off into the sky heading north and south to get better vantage points as the sun began to rise.
